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HomeSchool Curriculum

Start With Rest


How the Roman Christians Responded to Corrupt Rulers

While 21st century United States and 1st century Rome are markedly different contexts, we can still learn from how Nero and other corrupt emperors shaped the early Christians’ response to government. The most significant thing they did was pray…


What Is a Girl Worth? by Rachael Denhollander

Why don’t abuse victims speak up? Why don’t they just trust the justice system? Or why don’t they just get over it? If you have ever asked these questions, you’ll want to become acquainted with Rachael Denhollander’s story of…


Don’t Be Guilted into Not Getting Help

On the eve of World Suicide Prevention Day, news came out that pastor and suicide prevention advocate Jarrid Wilson had lost his life to this terrible epidemic. In response to this news, Ed Stetzer wrote an article entitled “A…


All We Need

Christ never intended for the weight of the responsibilities of ministry to rest on one or even on a handful of members known as leaders. Rather, it is to be spread out among the priesthood of all believers. Read…


Where Horses Listen to Harmonies

Earlier this year, I went on a walk. And on this walk, I decided to venture onto the gravel lane that branches off the bend in the road on which we live. Now, my friends, you must know that…